121SB    121TE EC DECAY (164.2 D)      1975ME23                  10NDS    201006
121SB  H TYP=FUL$AUT=S. OHYA$CIT=NDS 111, 1619 (2010)$CUT=20-Jan-2009$
121SB c  1975Me23: Compton suppression spectrometer semi |g
121SB c  Others: scin |g, |g|g, magnetic spectrograph ce (1964Ch08);
121SB2c  semi |g (1971Au03)
121SB c  See also {+121}Te IT decay (164.2 d)
121SB cL E         E(levels) are based on a least-squares fit to
121SB2cL E|g's from 1975Me23
121SB cL J         From adopted levels
121SB cG E         From 1975Me23. The evaluators have added 10 eV in quadrature
121SB2cG to the quoted uncertainties to allow for uncertainties in
121SB3cG calibration
121SB cG RI        From 1975Me23. The evaluators have added 2% in quadrature
121SB2cG to the quoted uncertainties to allow for uncertainties in
121SB3cG efficiency calibration
121TE  P 293.991   2211/2-             164.2 D   8              1054      26
121SB  N 0.700     19          0.114   118.77    35
121SB cN NR        from |SI(|g+ce to g.s.)=11.4 {I11}
121SB cN BR        from I(|g+ce 212|g)/|SI(|g+ce to g.s.).
121SB2cN Note that in an equilibrium 19-d, 154-d {+121}Te source, 11% of
121SB3cN the intensity of the 37|g is due to the {+121}Te |e decay (19.17 d)
121SB PN                                                                     3
121SB  L 0.0          5/2+             STABLE
121SB  L 37.138    107/2+              3.46 NS   3
121SB cL T         from adopted levels
121SB  E              0.0011  6   8.7  10  9.72   8                          1U
121SBS E EAV=150 13$CK=0.8497 3$CL=0.11892 21$CM+=0.03125 7
121SB cE IB        deduced from intensity of |g{+|+}=0.052 {I21} relative to
121SB2cE I(537|g)=1000 and theoretical I(|b{++})/I(|e) (1975Me23)
121SB  G 37.138    1011.8    12M1                      10.87                 C
121SBS G KC=9.35 14$LC=1.226 18$MC=0.243 4$NC+=0.0514 8
121SBS G NC=0.0468 7$OC=0.00459 7
121SB cG M         from |a(K)exp=9.32 {I37} (1968Sn01)
121SB  L 946.991   149/2+
121SB  E                         0.079  8  9.89   9
121SBS E CK=0.8437 14$CL=0.1236 11$CM+=0.0327 4
121SB  G 909.847   18 0.881  19
121SB  G 946.989   18 0.103   3
121SB  L     1024.0 37/2+
121SB  E                        0.000084   12.2   3                          1U
121SBS E CK=0.791 10$CL=0.164 8$CM+=0.0453 24
121SB  G 1024.00   25 0.0010  5
121SB  L 1035.433  159/2+
121SB  E                         0.078 8   9.66  11
121SBS E CK=0.8382 24$CL=0.1279 19$CM+=0.0340 6
121SB  G 998.291   11 0.997  22                                              C
121SB  G 1035.40   10 0.007   3
121SB  L 1139.292  209/2+,11/2+
121SB  E                         2.54  3   7.76  15
121SBS E CK=0.824 7$CL=0.138 5$CM+=0.0372 16
121SB  G 103.85     8 0.011   4  [M1,E2]               1.0     5             C
121SBS G KC=0.8 3$LC=0.19 14$MC=0.04 3$NC+=0.008 6
121SBS G NC=0.007 5$OC=0.0006 4
121SB cG CC        for |d=1.0; uncertainty chosen to overlap M1,E2 theory values
121SB  G 1102.149  18 31.8    7                                              C
121SB  L 1144.66   4 9/2+
121SB  E                        0.0014822  10.97 16
121SBS E CK=0.823 7$CL=0.139 6$CM+=0.0375 17
121SB  G 1107.60   18 0.005   2
121SB  G 1144.65    4 0.0135  6